Navigating Australia's Complex Medicinal Cannabis Supply Chain

The medical cannabis industry in Australia has grown rapidly in recent years, driven by changes in legislation and increased awareness of the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis-based treatments. However, despite this growth, the supply chain for medical cannabis in Australia remains complex and challenging to navigate, with multiple stakeholders involved in the production, distribution, and delivery of these products.

In this article, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the supply chain for medical cannabis in Australia, including the various stakeholders involved and the challenges associated with each stage of the process.

Stakeholders in the Medical Cannabis Supply Chain

The supply chain for medical cannabis in Australia can be broken down into several key stages, each of which involves a different set of stakeholders. These stakeholders include:

Challenges in the Medical Cannabis Supply Chain

Each stage of the medical cannabis supply chain presents its own set of challenges and complexities. Some of the key challenges include: